Stay Ahead in a Rapidly Changing World
The game has changed. Business growth and effective marketing isn’t a one-step-at-a-time process anymore. AI is speeding up everything, making adaptability essential, innovation a must-have.
Here’s the risk: Fall
behind, and you get left out.
Here’s the alternative: Access to the best strategies and frameworks, delivered fast, so you can achieve rapid business growth.
With 7 years as a certified StoryBrand
coach and Business Made Simple coach, I bring you Donald Miller’s proven frameworks, plus over 20 years of experience helping businesses grow.
Together, we’ll make your business everything you envisioned it could be.
Solve these challenges, then watch your business grow.
Message Not Clear?
Improve customer engagement with a strong messaging platform. My team of experts & I will help you create a message that resonates and boosts profits.
Don’t know what you’re getting for what you’re spending?
Set up your measures, campaigns & activities so it’s crystal clear what is working — and not working.
Is your team achieving their potential?
Master leadership skills for better productivity and team success, which will increase your company’s bottom line.
Not hitting your sales goals?
Implement “Customer Is the Hero” & to jumpstart flagging sales & increase your team’s vision for products/services.
Navigating Growth When the Buck Stops With You
If you’re the one responsible for making growth happen, you already know there’s no magic bullet or universal formula. Creating the conditions for growth takes intention, insight, and a whole lot of grit.
Over the past 20+ years, I’ve been in the trenches, leading growth for companies of all sizes. I helped a software startup soar from $8M to $31M in two years, tripled the customer base of a financial services company on their way to national recognition, developed a media product that impacted over 20 million people worldwide, and guided dozens of small businesses to reach new growth milestones.
Every one of these achievements required a tailored approach, because each business needs something unique to succeed. But here’s the foundational formula that consistently works:
Insights + Action = Growth
Now, with the proven frameworks of StoryBrand and Business Made Simple and the added power of StoryBrand AI marketing tools, you can take action on the insights that will make growth predictable and scalable. With this approach, you’re equipped to lead your business into its next level of success.

Kind words from great clients & colleagues.
Let’s Get Started

Take the FREE My Business Report Assessment for a detailed analysis of your business. Click HERE to start .

Receive your hand-crafted Business Made Simple Plan to get started reaching your goals with clarity & confidence.

Experience THE GrowTH
Achieve your business growth goals so you can build the life you dreamed was possible.
When you develop a sales funnel that works, you’ll unlock opportunities to live your best life.
Listen to Donald Miller’s endorsement of Marc Fey & MKF Strategic Marketing, LLC.
Two Assessments, One Big Step Forward
“My Business Report & the StoryBrand Marketing Report
one-step assessments to help you grow your business.”
– Donald Miller
Hey, pssst…these 2 assessments are free…no strings attached, really.
Best 20-minute investment you’ll make in your business this year.